
A Fixed Price Offer (FPO) is where a seller offers an item at a fixed price after the listing has ended but the item didn't sell.

FPO's are automatically sent after the listing closes to anyone that added the item to their watch list. The FPO that is sent is the same as the original Buy Now price on the item. 

What to know

You will receive an email when a buyer completes payment.

  • An order is generated in Trade Runner when a Fixed Price Offer is accepted. At the time we import the order into Trade Runner payment may not be confirmed. As a result, the order will be Quarantined in Trade Runner and NOT sent to your ecommerce store until you release it from Quarantine. 
  • See the FAQ about managing Quarantined orders

How to turn Fixed Price Offer listings on or off

You can choose whether you want to offer Fixed Price Offer listings. 

To set this:

  • Select "Settings --> Trade Me --> General" from the left-hand navigation
  • Tick the box labelled "Enable negotiated payment through Fixed Price Offers" if you want it enabled, or untick it if not.
  • Click the "Update Settings" button to apply the change. 

A few things to note

  • This feature is turned on by default as we recommend offering this to customers, to increase the chance of sales. 
  • If an item has a FPO on it and only has a stock of one, you will have to wait for the FPO to expire (3 days) before it will relist on TradeMe.