
Bundles are a great way to increase the basket size of your customers cart. In this FAQ, you'll learn there are 3 different types of bundles that you can create in TradeRunner.

Types of Bundles

Bundle Type 1: One SKU with multiple quantities for example, a bottle of water with a quantity of 6

Bundle Type 2: Multiple SKUs with a single quantity of each for example, a blanket, a rug and a cushion

Bundle Type 3:  Multiple SKUs with single or multiple quantities for example, a blanket, a rug and 3 cushions

How to Create a Bundle

  • Go to Bundles - Create New Bundle in the left hand nav.
  • Complete the form fields:

Field NameDescription
Bundle NameThe name of the bundle that will be shown on Trade Me i.e the Product Title - this defaults to the name of the first product in the bundle if this is left blank.
Product name template

Leave this blank unless you want to optimise the product title with key words such as Brand.

Bundle Short DescriptionThe Short description on Trade Me.
Bundle Detailed DescriptionThe Long description on Trade Me. N.B. Trade Me does not support the use of HTML here.
Bundle Image URL

Please provide the image in a URL format. If you do not add a URL we will use the image from the FIRST product added in the bundle.

Bundle weight

This is important if you have weight based shipping set up. Add a weight if you want weight based shipping to apply. Make sure the weight is in the same units as your other product weights.

Start DateLeave blank if you want this bundle to start immediately, otherwise the bundle will start when the next scheduled feed to Trade Me occurs.
End Date    Leave blank if you want this bundle to continue indefinitely

Sell Amount

The price of the bundle
Bulk Buy

 Check this if you want to offer bundle type 1 (as above) - one sku with multiple quantities.


Bundle Type 1: Single Product, Multiple Quantity (Bulk buy)

  1. Complete the fields in the table above and make sure you check 'Bulk Buy'
  2. Enter the Quantity of the product in the bundle and the SKU.
  3. Click Create Bundle

Bundle Type 2:  Multiple products, Single Quantity

  1. Complete the fields in the table above
  2. Enter the SKUs for each product in the bundle. These need to be added on each single line - no comas or semi colon's required.
  3. Click Create Bundle

Bundle Type 3: Multiple products, multiple quantity

  1. Complete the fields in the table above
  2. Enter the SKUs for each product in the bundle. In this example, the bundle will consist of a blanket, a rug and 3 cushions. These need to be added on each single line - no comas or semi colon's required.
  3. Click Create Bundle

Final Step:

  • After the bundle is created, it will be treated like any other product. e.g it will need a Trade Me Category assigned to it so that it lists on Trade Me. 
  • Choose a category and then click upload to Trade Me to list the bundle immediately. 

Bundle Products as Orders

If you have a Bundle Type 1, you will see the order come through with 'Quantity' = to the number in the bundle. e.g for this order with 10 units in the bundle:

If you have a Bundle Type 2 or 3, you will see the order come through with the price for each pro-rated amongst the products and their initial sale price.